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Watershed Sciences and Engineering


The Watershed Sciences and Engineering (WSE) program is part of the Bucknell Center for Sustainability and the Environment (BCSE).  This program promotes excellence in teaching and learning, scientific inquiry and research, educational outreach, and University service by enriching the connection between Bucknell, the Susquehanna River, and watersheds throughout the world.  Faculty involvement in the program is through teaching, scholarship, and service and these faculty represent numerous departments across the university; geology, biology, chemistry, civil and environmental engineering, chemical engineering, and more. 


I have connected my courses and research with this program; developing a mobile field hydraulics lab, an instrumented research boat for river mapping and data collection, and field sites on Miller Run, Montandon Marsh, and White Deer Creek for use with classes and research.  Over the past six years, numerous civil and environmental engineering students have contributed to the Watershed Sciences and Engineering program.  I also serve as a Faculty Advisor to the Cetner for Sustainability and the Environment and provide leadership to Bucknell's annual Susquehanna River Symposium, which attracts several hundred students, academics, and professionals from around the watershed every fall.


The WSE program is truly interdisciplinary in its mission and everyday activities.  Please click on the link for more information about the WSE program at Bucknell!


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